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  • lawzonindia@gmail.com
  • New Delhi

At Lawzon India, we provide certification and registration services, specially for Society, Trust and NGO.

Any organization that devotes its funds to welfare is not for profit organization. This includes schools, colleges, hospitals, religious organization (NGO’s). There are three common forms of NGOs– Trust, Society and Section 8 Company. Which one should you choose? We have discussed each of them in this article.

What is Trust Registration?
Let’s discuss trust first. Trust is the oldest form of charitable organization. There are private, or Public Trusts that are primarily created for the benefit of family members or a very small set of known persons. A Private trust comes under the Indian Trust Act 1882. Trust Act is not applicable to the public trust.

What is Society Registration?
Societies are a relatively modern form. Therefore people opt for Society Registration. Seven persons come together for a common purpose in a general body. These may be Indian or foreigners. You can add more members. Each public body members has one vote.

What is Section 8 Company Registration?
These are limited companies established under the Companies Act. The Government grants them an exclusive license under Section 8 Company Registration. There are three conditions for this.

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